Jul 14, 2012

【thing】hand turned charge radio 手回し充電ラジオ


充電ラジオ 型番:M‐JR20
携帯電話の充電も可能な、手巻き充電式ラジオです。日常使いにも対応したデザインです。乾電池でもご使用いただけます。 3,900円

the design is simple and cool.you can hear radio and charge cell phone.
you can also use dry cell battery.

Jun 13, 2012

【art】モバイルハウス 坂口恭平 mobile house

 「新しい世界のつくりかた」@六次元  how to make new world

kyohei sakaguchi made new goverment at kumamoto
after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
first he move with his family,and made his own country,
then about 50 people moved to his country.
recently tokyo metropolitan government seem to contact him.

o yen house by kohei sakaguchi

the mobile house that is cover picture of the magazine can be made less than 30000yen.

how to make solar system for i phone by kyohei sakaguchi

May 5, 2012



5/6(日) 18:30~東京ホタル。LEDの入った光る玉を10万個、隅田川に放流!!☆☆☆

6/MAY(sun)18:30~ 100,000pcs of LED balls are going to release to sumida river like firefly at TOKYO HOTARU,in ASAKUSA!! XD